The Steering Committee consists of representatives of Australasian member institutions (indicated by * on the following list), individual experts in undergraduate research, and representatives of other universities and organisations for undergraduate research worldwide as invited by the Executive.
The Steering Committee provides advice to the Executive regarding the ongoing reputation and progress of ACUR. Members of the Steering Committee encourage the spread of undergraduate research in their institutions, assist in disseminating information about undergraduate research in general and ACUR in particular in their own institutions, encourage participation in ACUR conferences and colloquia, and in choosing best posters for Posters in Parliament when appropriate, and provide information on current practice, items of news and upcoming events in undergraduate research for the ACUR Newsletter (URNA).
ACUR Steering Committee Members
A/Prof | Tina | Acuna | Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, College of Sciences and Engineering | University of Tasmania | Australia |
*Ms | Janine | Arnold |
Director, Business Development & Strategic Projects, College of Science & Engineering
| University of Tasmania | Australia |
Prof | Carol | Bender | University Distinguished Outreach Professor (and Director of UBRP) | University of Arizona (Tucson) | USA |
Prof | Dawn | Bennett | Assistant Provost | Bond University | Australia |
*Dr | Joanne | Bennett | Senior Lecturer | Australian Catholic University | Australia |
*Dr | Alex | Bissember | Senior Lecturer, School of Natural Sciences | University of Tasmania | Australia |
*A/Prof | Agnes | Bosanquet | Director, Learning & Teaching Staff Development | Macquarie University | Australia |
* | Liz | Branigan | La Trobe University | Australia | |
Dr | James | Brann | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Equity and Student Success) | University of Tasmania | Australia |
A/Prof | Adam | Bridgeman | PVC Education Innovation | The University of Sydney | Australia |
Prof | Angela | Carbone | Associate DVC Learning Teaching & Quality | RMIT University | Australia |
*Prof | Jennifer | Cornish | Academic Director, Graduate Research | Macquarie University | Australia |
Prof | Geoffrey | Crisp | Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic | University of Canberra | Australia |
Ms | Lindsay | Currie | Executive Officer | Council on Undergraduate Research | USA |
* | Ash | Dowling | ANU Engagement and Success | The Australian National University | Australia |
Dr | Efrat | Eilam | Institute of Sustainability and Innovation | Victoria University | Australia |
Prof | Darrell | Evans | Deputy Vice-Chancellor | The University of Newcastle | Australia |
Dr | Cath | Ferguson | Senior Research Officer (Research Advisor) School of Education | Edith Cowan University | Australia |
Dr | Elisabeth | Findlay | Deputy Director (Learning and Teaching), Queensland College of Arts | Griffith University | Australia |
A/Prof | Martin | Forsey | Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching | Edith Cowan University | Australia |
Prof | Ian | Fuller | Associate Dean Research, School of Agriculture and Environment | Massey University | New Zealand |
Dr | Jessica | Gallagher | Deputy Director (Global Engagement), UQ International | University of Queensland | Australia |
Dr | Susanne | Haberstroh | Director of Undergraduate Research Program | Oldenburg University | Germany |
Prof | Stuart | Hampton-Reeves | Director of Research for the Faculty of Culture and the Creative Industries | University of Central Lancashire | UK |
Dr | Bettie | Higgs | Senior Fellow,Teaching and Learning | University of Cork | Ireland |
*Dr | Margaret | Hutchison | Lecturer in History, National School of Arts, Faculty of Education and Arts | Australian Catholic University | Australia |
Prof | Alan | Jenkins | Retired, Geography | Oxford Brookes University | UK |
Dr | Dan | Johnstone | Senior Lecturer | University of Newcastle | Australia |
Prof | Tuajuanda | Jordan | President, St. Mary’s College of Maryland | St. Mary’s, Maryland, USA | USA |
*Prof | Judy | Kay | Payne-Scott Distinguished Professor | The University of Sydney | Australia |
Prof | Sally | Kift | Adjunct Professor | James Cook University | Australia |
*Dr | Sam | Kosari | Associate Professor of Pharmacy | University of Canberra | |
Prof | Kerri-Lee | Krause | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Student Life | The University of Melbourne | Australia |
Prof | Jennelle | Kyd | Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia |
Dr | Sandra | Laursen | Ethnography and Evaluation Research | University of Colorado Boulder | USA |
Dr | Gwen | Lawrie | Chemistry and OLT ALURE Project | The University of Queensland | Australia |
Prof | Nicolette | Lee | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education | La Trobe University | Australia |
Ms | Siobhan | Lenihan | Advisor to Deputy Vice-Chancellor | Deakin University | Australia |
*Prof | Chris | Lonsdale | Deputy Provost | Australian Catholic University | Australia |
*Dr | François | Malherbe | Senior Lecturer (Academic Director, Student Experience), Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia |
Dr | Lilia | Mantai | Senior Lecturer, Academic Lead, Course Enhancement, University of Sydney Business School | The University of Sydney | Australia |
Prof | Tim | McCarthy | Professor of Engineering | University of Wollongong | Australia |
Ms | Jan | McLean | Director, Institute for Interactive Media and Learning | University of Technology Sydney | Australia |
A/Prof | Liz | Milward | Deputy President Academic Senate (Learning and Teaching) | University of Newcastle | Australia |
Dr | Kirra | Minton | Assessment Support Officer | Deakin University | Australia |
Dr | Kevin | Morris | Director of Teaching and Learning | The University of Auckland | New Zealand |
Dr | Jennifer | Murphy | Head of Undergraduate Admissions | University College Cork | Ireland |
Dr | Paula | Myatt | Teaching and Curriculum Transformation, Learning Futures | Griffith University | Australia |
A/Prof | Kogi | Naidoo | Director, Learning Academy | Charles Sturt University | Australia |
Dr | Jeanne | Narum | Principal, Learning Spaces Collaboratory | Project Kaleidescope | USA |
A/Prof | Marcus | O’Donnell | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) | Deakin University | Australia |
*Dr | Andrys | Onsman | Higher Education Consultant & Adjunct Ass Prof | Monash University | Australia |
Dr | Dominique | Parrish | PVC (Learning and Teaching) | Macquarie University | Australia |
Prof | Mitch | Parsell | Academic Executive Director | University of Tasmania | Australia |
A/Prof | Lee | Partridge | Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching | The University of Western Australia | Australia |
Prof | Eric | Pawson | Professor of Geography | University of Canterbury | New Zealand |
Dr | Tai L. | Peseta | Senior Lecturer, Learning Transformations | Western Sydney University | Australia |
Dr | Rachael | Pitt | Careers Advisor for HDR Candidates, Graduate School | The University of Queensland | Australia |
Prof | Philip | Poronnik | Professor of Biomedical Sciences (Educational Strategy) | The University of Sydney | Australia |
A/Prof | Jonathan | Powles |
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
| University of New England | Australia |
Prof | Jamie | Quinton | Dean of Science and Professor of Nanotechnology/Physics/Chemical Physics | Flinders University | Australia |
Prof | Sarah | Roberts-Thomson | Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences | The University of Queensland | Australia |
Prof | Susan | Rowland | Vice-Provost | The University of Sydney | Australia |
*Prof | Pamela | Rowntree | Director of Academic Programs, Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health | Queensland University of Technology | Australia |
Prof | David | Ryan | Head, School of History & Chair of Modern History | University College Cork | Ireland |
Prof | David | Sadler | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) | The University of Notre Dame | Australia |
Prof | Kay | Sambell | Visiting Professor of Assessment for Learning | University of Cumbria | UK |
Prof | Sally | Sandover | Associate Dean (Medical Education) | Curtin University | Australia |
Dr | Asheem | Shrestha | Lecturer, School of Architecture and the Built Environment | Deakin University | Australia |
A/Prof | Ian | Solomonides | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning Innovation and Quality) | Victoria University | Australia |
Prof | Rachel | Spronken-Smith | Dean, Graduate Research School | University of Otago | New Zealand |
*Dr | Huseyin | Sumer | Senior Lecturer (Honours Coordinator for Science), Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia |
Prof | Deborah | Terry | Vice-Chancellor | Curtin University | Australia |
Dr | Roeland | Van der Rijst | Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Teaching) | Leiden University | Netherlands |
Dr | Panos | Vlachopoulos | Associate Dean (Quality & Standards) Faculty of Arts | Macquarie University | Australia |
Prof | Tim | Wess | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) | University of the Sunshine Coasty | Australia |
*Dr | Robyn | Wescott | Director, Learning Skills Unit | Macquarie University | Australia |
*Ms | Karen | Whelan | Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, Science and Engineering Faculty | Queensland University of Technology | Australia |
*Prof | Steve | Wilcox | Dean, Academic | University of the Sunshine Coast | Australia |
Dr | John | Willison | Senior Lecturer, School of Education | The University of Adelaide | Australia |
Dr | Dino | Willox | Director Student Employability | The University of Queensland | Australia |
Dr | Anna | Wilson | Lecturer in Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Stirling | UK |
*Prof | Denise | Wood | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students) | University of the Sunshine Coast | Australia |