What was the most valuable thing you gained from the conference?
- Meeting people, great conversations with like-minded people. Also learnt so much because of the wide range of disciplines. Renewed inspiration and hope in undergraduate research.
- Talking to people about my research is so much fun! Also I really enjoyed meeting other people whose work is similar to mine, but also people outside my discipline – so I had brilliant conversations.
- Meeting fellow students with similar interests in research, and finding out about what’s happening across different disciplines.
- Increased confidence and more appreciation of the research process
- Confidence in my research and ability to present.
- Meeting new people, and learning about disciplines I’m not familiar with!
- Presenting experience, meeting other researchers and learning about other people’s topics.
What will you do as a result of attending the conference?
- Definitely continue into my fourth year at uni and complete honours.
- After seeing the passion and the difference that research can make in a relevant context I am inspired to continue studying
- I’m going to try and get my research from my honours thesis accepted into the conference next year and attempt to get it published.
- Continue in research and attend more conferences! It was such a great experience!
- I want to continue onto a PhD
- So inspired! I’m going to see if I can present in one of the years to come!
- Motivation to get my paper published
- I will continue with my degree, however I may now consider extending my study to do an honours degree or go even further. The conference gave me confidence in my study and new motivation.
- Being in a peer-based audience provides more confidence to share one’s ideas with the community. I am now more eager to communicate future research to others and will take the opportunities when they arise.
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