In addition to the annual student conference, ACUR engages in a broad range of activities designed to extend knowledge and understanding of undergraduate research and how to advance it. These include events, competitions, and publications to broaden the public knowledge and reputation of ACUR, such as Posters in Parliament presentations, the ACUR newsletter, and the ACUR Website. ACUR also organises events that extend opportunities for members to meet, such as the ACUR Colloquia.
ACUR Undergraduate Research Medal
The ACUR Undergraduate Research Medal recognises a team or individual who has contributed outstandingly to undergraduate research in Australasia. There is an annual award for academic staff and one for students. Click here to read more
ACUR organises occasional Colloquia so that higher education managers and academics can come together to discuss issues of concern in advancing research opportunities for undergraduates. The first Colloquium was held in 2019.
ACUR organises occasional Colloquia so that higher education managers and academics can come together to discuss issues of concern in advancing research opportunities for undergraduates. Colloquium programs, materials, resources including photos and videos provide useful resources now available on the website.
From time to time ACUR organises competitions to showcase undergraduates’ research, writing and creativity.
Information about current competitions is included here.
Information about past competitions is included here.
Posters in Parliament
ACUR also endeavours to organise an exhibition of undergraduate research in Parliament House, Canberra and/or the New Zealand Parliament from time to time in order to publicise undergraduate research in the wider community. Click here for details of such an event.
Undergraduate Research News Australasia (URNA), is the ACUR Bi-annual newsletter. You can view all issues here.
Academic publications on topics related to undergraduate research by members and friends of ACUR are also available. Click hereto view a list of publications. You can also share your own research publications.
ACUR also publishes a range of pamphlets, posters, booklets and NewsUpdates designed to provide information about ACUR activities and procedures.