The ACUR Conference is an annual event where undergraduate students present their research. ACUR Conferences have been held every year since 2012 (except 2020). Each year the conference is organised by a team of staff and students in a different higher education institution in Australasia supported by members of the ACUR Executive. As far as possible ACUR aims to hold conferences in different states each year. Information about all past conferences is available on this website. We value the opportunity for networking and building community that these face-to-face conferences provide.
You can read more about this year’s conference here.
ACUR conferences all share a set of key characteristics, in that they:
are open to all undergraduate students and recent graduates including Honours students (within 12 months of Graduation at Bachelor’s level) to present
adopt an inclusive approach
involve an academic peer review process
are primarily opportunities for students to meet and network
offer a range of options for students to disseminate research
are affordable for student delegates
have a social programs
involve undergraduate students in the organisation and running of the conference
welcome staff, including supervisors, institutional representatives and members of the ACUR Steering Committee as delegates.
Click here for details, programs, sponsorship, prizes, and photos from all past ACUR conferences.
Conference Hosts
Hosts for ACUR conferences are institutions of higher and tertiary education in Australia and New Zealand. They are chosen by the Executive following an extensive application and discussion process.
The host institution is asked to first submit an expression of interest detailing how their institution will meet the full set of guidelines and criteria for ACUR Conferences. This includes details of administrative support and the facilities available for the conference, and an indicative budget, together with a signed letter from a senior officer, i.e. VC or DVC. More information on the nature of these requirements can be found in the Conference Guidelines (see link below).
If your institution is interested in hosting a conference, please click here
Applying to host an ACUR Conference
If you would like to submit an expression of interest to host a conference, this is the procedure:
The Institution submits to the ACUR Chair a draft expression of interest.
The Chair shares this with the Executive and the Steering Committee who provide feedback.
The Institution revises their expression of interest in the light of the feedback.
The Chair normally agrees the revised expression of interest. But reserves the right in exceptional cases to refer it back to the institution.
The expression of interest is signed off by a senior institutional member (usually DVC) and forwarded to the Chair or Executive Officer.
The Chair agrees and the conference venue is publicly announced.
Our experience is that this usually takes longer than you would think as there is usually some negotiation needed at institutional level – particularly where matters of accommodation and finance are concerned.
Further information is contained in the Conference Guidelines document including a link to the Proposal to host an ACUR conference template.
Have a question? Contact us.
Benefits of Hosting an ACUR conference
Benefits for students
Engages students in research-based learning, while validating and building confidence in their work
Develops professional skills including personal and professional skills including communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills, and a more advanced understanding of how scientific knowledge is built
Provides opportunities to engage with other undergraduate research scholars and build peer and professional networks
Provides opportunities to learn more about research in their chosen discipline areas as well as explore interdisciplinary approaches to research challenges
Benefits for staff
Provides an opportunity for teaching staff to introduce or extend student learning and assessment through research-based learning
Provides an opportunity for staff to view and discuss the work of students from other institutions and countries
Broadens networks, including with research supervisors and potential early career researchers
Benefits for the institution
Raises the national and international profile of your institution’s undergraduate research provision and achievements
Provides opportunities to for undergraduate students to participate in presenting their research work at an international conference without leaving the campus
Provides an opportunity for undergraduates at the institution to participate in conference organisation
Extends knowledge of your university’s undergraduate research effort amongst the staff of the institution
Encourages students to pursue postgraduate study