A colloquium for supervisors, academics and university managers was held on 4th December 2019 at The University of Sydney Business School, Abercrombie Building, Camperdown, Sydney. It was Presented by ACUR in partnership with the University of Sydney Business School
The Colloquium, was an opportunity for supervisors, academics and university managers to:
exchange good practice, share ideas and resources;
extend knowledge of how to strengthen existing provision;
exchange practical ideas and advice on supervising undergraduate researchers;
discuss future possibilities of UGR in general, for example, in relation to developing employability and graduate qualities;
hear about and exchange research ideas and pedagogical frameworks on how to develop student research;
strengthen the community of interested practitioners.
Participants included:
university leaders with responsibility for integrating research and teaching, and for developing employable and future-ready graduates through research experience;
people responsible for encouraging undergraduate engagement with research, and for developing initiatives such as ‘students as partners’, ‘the Connected Curriculum’, and research-based learning;
academics with responsibility for developing research-based, inquiry-based, curricula;
academics and others supervising undergraduate research projects;
people responsible for implementing institutional initiatives to develop and showcase undergraduate research;
Undergraduate research student participants including panalists
You can:
Download the program and resources
Read a report of the event
View Colloquium photos