Enter new Undergraduate Research Opportunities Name* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.A/Prof.Prof.Rev. Title/position First Name Surname Institution*Other (insert below)The Australian National UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityAuckland University of Technology (AUT)Bond UniversityCharles Darwin UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityCQUniversity AustraliaCurtin UniversityDeakin UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityFederation University AustraliaFlinders UniversityGriffith UniversityJames Cook UniversityLa Trobe UniversityLincoln UniversityMacquarie UniversityMassey UniversityMonash UniversityMurdoch UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyRMIT UniversitySouthern Cross UniversitySwinburne University of TechnologyThe University of AdelaideThe University of AucklandThe University of MelbourneThe University of New EnglandThe University of Notre DameThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of CanberraUniversity of CanterburyUniversity of OtagoUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of Southern QueenslandUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of WaikatoUniversity of WollongongUNSW, SydneyVictoria UniversityVictoria University of WellingtonWestern Sydney UniversityInstitution Name (if not listed above)Department/School/FacultyPositionLocationNew South WalesQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern AustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryNorthern TerritoryNew ZealandOther (please enter below)Other LocationEmail Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Telephone number*If the primary mentor is not you, please tick the box and provide their details Tick here to add mentor's contact details Name Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.A/Prof.Prof.Rev. Title/position First Name Surname Institution*Other (insert below)The Australian National UniversityAustralian Catholic UniversityAuckland University of Technology (AUT)Bond UniversityCharles Darwin UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityCQUniversity AustraliaCurtin UniversityDeakin UniversityEdith Cowan UniversityFederation University AustraliaFlinders UniversityGriffith UniversityJames Cook UniversityLa Trobe UniversityLincoln UniversityMacquarie UniversityMassey UniversityMonash UniversityMurdoch UniversityQueensland University of TechnologyRMIT UniversitySouthern Cross UniversitySwinburne University of TechnologyThe University of AdelaideThe University of AucklandThe University of MelbourneThe University of New EnglandThe University of Notre DameThe University of QueenslandThe University of SydneyThe University of Western AustraliaUniversity of CanberraUniversity of CanterburyUniversity of OtagoUniversity of South AustraliaUniversity of Southern QueenslandUniversity of TasmaniaUniversity of Technology SydneyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastUniversity of WaikatoUniversity of WollongongUNSW, SydneyVictoria UniversityVictoria University of WellingtonWestern Sydney UniversityInstitution Name (if not listed above)Department/School/FacultyPositionLocationNew South WalesQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern AustraliaAustralian Capital TerritoryNorthern TerritoryNew ZealandEmail Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Telephone numberAbout the ProjectTitle of project* Brief outline of the research*Discipline*Please supply some keywords*About the undergraduate research opportunityType of UGR opportunity (please tick)*Apprenticeship-style research working with an academic or as part of a research teamResearch carried out as an internship integrated within, and forming part of a unit of studyResearch carried out in a company or other organisation at their site or, in the communityA thesis Honours project or dissertation that involves independent hands-on researchOther kinds of hands-on researchType of Renumeration*Tax-free scholarshipIn-course internshipSalaried RAVoluntaryFurther information. Please indicate full-time/part-time, number of weeks, hours per week and indicate whether this is a competitive opportunity*CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.