• “Outstanding examples of inspired brilliance”

  • “Impressive work by the undergraduate students”

  • “A wonderful feast for the inquiring mind”

  • “Good range of different topics”

  • “Wonderful idea – students were impressive – well done organisers!”

  • “Great to see politicians talking to the next generation of researchers!”

  • “Excellent event – great enthusiasm and professionalism from students”

  • “Fabulous, inspiring futures”

  • “Congratulations on the poster presentations a great initiative with many collateral benefits”

  • “Inspiring – it is a great showcase of young talent!!”

  • “I am inspired by such talent and think this is a terrific event!”

These comments were written by Posters in Parliament visitors’ in the Guest Book at the first ACUR Posters in Parliament was held in 2014. Undergraduates from 17 Australian universities presented their research.

Posters in Parliament exhibitions are a celebration of undergraduate research that aim to raise the profile of undergraduate research within the Australian community. They demonstrate to key individuals including Members of Parliament and Senators the quality and range of undergraduate research that is being carried out in Australasia. They showcase some of the best undergraduate research through exhibitions of scientific posters displayed in a venue where parliamentarians and others can readily access them.

  • Undergraduate student research posters are chosen by participating institutions to represent research being carried out.

  • Students are invited to explain their posters to interested visitors.

  • Scheduled during a parliamentary sitting day to enable the maximum number of MPs to attend together with key higher education leaders.

  • Posters in Parliament attracts media attention and interest amongst funding providers.

  • Posters in Parliament mirrors developments internationally (e.g. in the USA and UK) in presenting high-quality undergraduate research to members of parliament and the public.

Click here to see details of the 2014 Posters in Parliament